Active Resilience of Immigrant Families in Ontario (RAFIO)
Ontario, Canada
In 2021, SD Canada has committed $1,100 to RAFIO
The organisation, Résilience Active des Familles Immigrantes en Ontario (RAFIO) (translating to Active Resilience of Immigrant Families in Ontario) is a non-profit community organization launched in March 2020, devoted to improving the well-being of immigrant and refugee communities, with a focus on psychosocial support and raising awareness/changing attitudes towards mental health within these communities. RAFIO’s vision is to see all Ontario immigrant and refugee families thriving morally, socially and psychologically.
RAFIO’s team is diverse and multicultural; they draw their inspiration from the experiences of their team members, most of whom are immigrants themselves, while at the same time appreciating the invaluable support of their non-immigrant members. Their core team members have professional backgrounds in social work, clinical and social psychology, law, social work, psychology, finance and communications.